
We are so happy to be able to show you this beautiful video that Printed.com has kindly filmed for us as part of their #InspirationPrinted campaign. We have teamed up with Printed.com before to print some of our products and we are so happy to have been chosen to take part in this project.

As part of the project, they let a selected group of creatives loose on their website to explore the theme of ‘Inspiration’. Using everyone's unique style, we were able to use any product, finish or paper stock to design something that showcases who or what inspires us. We created a range of 3 notebooks prototypes, our weird.wild.wonderful designs that we are thinking of rolling out later this year. Watch the video below to find out more, including how Paul and I work together and what inspires us!

 and if you want to find a little bit more about us, you can read more here

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